2013年10月25日 星期五

[Open for appointment] Sound Massage:A pleasure for body, mind and spirit.

What is a sound massage?

" A sound massage is an acoustic, vibratory experience. You are literally touched by sound in an agreeable way. You do not have to “believe” to be able to experience the effect. "
All classical religions and esoteric groups are agreed on the fact that everything in nature is made up of vibrations. Even the present scientific community is beginning to accept this idea. Sound is the audible part of vibration. You could say that the whole of creation is music solidified, and that includes mankind.

Since sounds and
vibrations made by classical instruments, such as the gong, singing bowl, tingsha's, drum, sitar and such others, are capable without any distortion or disharmony of penetrating deep into substance, and are able to pass on perfectly the ancient retained information without any deformation to the material, a reorganization may occur in the material thereby stimulating self-correcting characteristics.

Just as water, due to its special characteristics, is capable of dissolving certain substances and, as a direct consequence, cleans anyone who immerses oneself in it, regardless of the attitude of the person concerned, similarly certain sounds, due to their own characteristics, have a harmonizing effect, regardless of someone’s personal opinions or attitudes.

The body can be likened to an instrument; if your instrument is not properly tuned then the skills you have learn will not produce the desired sound and will as a consequence harvest irritation, instead of success.

Just as a well-tuned instrument is a pleasure to the ear so is a sound massage a pleasure for body, mind and spirit.

To get updated schedule about sound massage, click here. or email hansdeback.hk@gmail.com

Source: http://hansdeback.com/sound-massage